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DNASeq Data Analysis
Course Training

Are you a researcher, scientist, or student looking to learn more about DNA sequencing data analysis? Our DNASeq Data Analysis Course is the perfect opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge you need to become proficient in this increasingly important field.

Our course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of DNA sequencing data analysis, starting with the basics and progressing to more advanced topics. We cover key concepts and techniques, including sequence alignment, variant calling, and gene expression analysis, as well as hands-on exercises and real-world case studies to help you apply your learning.

Our team of experienced instructors is dedicated to providing a high-quality learning experience that is both engaging and interactive. We use a combination of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on activities to ensure that you get the most out of the course.

Whether you are new to DNA sequencing data analysis or looking to expand your skills, our DNASeq Data Analysis Course is an excellent choice. We look forward to helping you reach your goals and succeed in your career or research.

Course Curriculum :

  • Data retrieval from the NCBI SRA database and introduction to different types of data

  • Quality checks for reads using FastQC and Cutadapt

  • Alignment of reads to a reference genome using tools such as BWA or Bowtie

  • Understanding the output of mapping, including SAM/BAM files and tools like Samtools and Bedtools

  • Detection of variations using GATK and Samtools

  • Visualization of variations using IGV

  • Complete annotation and prediction of the effects of variations using tools like SNPEff and SNPDB

  • Prediction of the effects of coding non-synonymous variations on protein function using the SIFT algorithm.